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Works 4 U, Inc.

"Ending homelessness through employment."

Home: Welcome

About Us

Our mission at Works 4 U is to end homelessness through employment.  For most people, having permanent shelter and food requires having a job.  Another important aspect of having work is the sense of self-worth that comes with it.  Let’s face it, having a sense of purpose is fundamental to stability in life. 
We provide our clients, who are either currently or previously homeless, with the training, placement, and support to help them maintain permanent employment. We initially get to know them by recruiting them to volunteer for work projects. Through these projects, we get to know their work ethic and we help them develop leadership skills.
We conduct at least 40 local work projects a year to develop community goodwill and recognize volunteers who want to find full time employment.  Our goal is to help 12 individuals find permanent employment and shelter this year.

Home: Who We Are

Works 4 U, Inc.

P.O. Box 2986, New Bedford, MA 02741

360 Coggeshall St., New Bedford MA, 02741

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